06-12-2023 City Council Meeting Video

Agenda Items
Item 1 – Call to Order
Item 2 – Roll Call
Item 3 – Pledge Of Allegiance
Item 4 – Statement of Conflict of Interest
Item 5 – Proclamation – Supporting Pride Month
Item 6 – Presentation From The Lakewood Advisory Commission – Research On Traffic Speed Reduction
Item 7 – Project Proposal From The Lakewood Advisory Commission – Noise Pollution
Item 8 – Public Comment
Item 9 – City Attorney Salary Performance Increase
Item 10 – Munition Remediation at William F. Hayden Park
Item 11 – Easement for Storm Drainage Outfalls Into Rooney Gulch
Item 12 – Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property for Municipal, Open Space and Park Purposes
Item 13 – Updating the City of Lakewood 2023 Three-mile Plan
Item 14 – IGA between Lakewood and the State for Universal Prekindergarten Funding
Item 15 – Ordinance Conveying Easement for Gas Pipeline Across City Parkland
Item 16 – Approving Minutes of the City Council Meetings
Item 17 – General Business
Item 18 – Executive Report
Item 19 – Mayor And City Council Reports
Item 20 – Adjournment